hybrid Event
Barometer Launch and Election Panel:
How to Win the Race for Foreign Investments and Talent

January 18 | 9:00 – 11:00 AM,
Hybrid, University of Helsinki’s ThinkCorner or online
Event Details
Finland’s position as an investment destination has developed rapidly. With the Finnish parliamentary elections approaching, Amcham Finland and Business Finland are hosting a business-driven election panel to reflect the results of the new Finland as a Business Location 2022 Barometer survey.
The Barometer presents data from 400 C-level executives and country managers of Finnish and foreign-owned companies. This year, we asked business leaders about how factors including the talent shortage, geopolitical situation and energy crisis affect Finland’s attractiveness to investors. We also surveyed executives on their wishes for the next government.
Our panelists include
- Elina Valtonen, Vice Chair of Kokoomus (National Coalition Party)
- Iiris Suomela, Vice Chair of Vihreät (Green Party)
- Katri Kulmuni, Member of Parliament, Keskusta (Centre Party)
- Sandra Bergqvist, Vice Chair of Svenska Folkpartiet (Swedish People’s Party)
- Jussi Saramo, Parliamentary Group Chair, Vasemmistoliitto (Left Alliance)
- Sakari Puisto, Member of Parliament, Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party)
- Matias Mäkynen, Member of Parliament, Vice Chair of SDP (Social Democratic Party)
We hope you join this timely discussion!
The Amcham Finland and Business Finland Teams
Our Partner

Elina Valtonen
Vice Chair
Kokoomus (National Coalition Party)

Iiris Suomela
Vice Chair
Vihreät (Green Party)

Jussi Saramo
Parliamentary Group Chair
Vasemmistoliitto (Left Alliance)

katri Kulmuni
Member of Parliament
Keskusta (Centre Party)

Sakari Puisto
Member of Parliament
Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party)

Sandra Bergqvist
Vice Chair
Svenska Folkpartiet (Swedish People’s Party)