Country Manager Network:

Sustainability as a Leadership Principle

May 31, 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM

Central Helsinki

Event Details

Becoming a more sustainable company is a leadership challenge. It starts with commitment, layered with vision, strategy, courage, alignment, and persistence.

But what were the impactful and actionable first steps that successful companies took when they embarked on a large-scale transformation? What role do company leaders play in creating and delivering on those sustainability targets – how do they use this as an opportunity to transform their business?

We invite you to join your peers to discuss these challenges at our next Country Manager Network event on May 31, 9:00 – 10:30 AM at Hannes & Snellman’s offices. Breakfast will be served from 8:30.

For more information contact:

Rosa Thurman

Director of Foreign Affiliate Services and Sustainability

+358 45 699 599