Amcham’s mission is to make Finland a more globally savvy and connected market.

Part of that process includes seeking out areas for improvement and using our resources to come up with solutions.

We want to make doing business in Finland as easy as possible for anyone who chooses to do so. The Finnish business environment is excellent, but without help, it can be difficult to understand.

To help foreign companies navigate the market, we’ve put our heads together with our experts to create a comprehensive legal guide.

The guide explains everything from business culture to environmental law and the digital economy, and it’s available for everyone to use – companies, the public sector, and NGOs.

Click below for your very own copy of Amcham’s Legal Guide.


This guide was made possible with the help of Borenius, Krogerus, Merilampi, Roschier, Eversheds, Sullivan & Worcester, Procopé & Hornborg, Lexia, Castrén & Snellman, PwC, and Nokia.