Got your Brexit, product launch and advocacy figured out? Don’t worry. As the markets move, so do we. Meet our new team members.


Rosa Thurman has recently started as the Director of Investment Programs. She’s lived in London for most of her working life, first in sales for Bloomberg and later as the General Manager of the Finnish-British Chamber of Commerce.

Now – as a “returning Finn” – her background gives Amcham great fresh insight into Finland’s strengths as an attractive investment destination as well as how to position the market vis-à-vis Brexit.

Amcham’s Global Investors’ Program harnesses the investment expertise and know-how of affiliate managers, whose companies are headquartered in 19 different countries. Rosa leads the charge as the growing group shares information, talks to decision makers and takes action on further improving the business environment for foreign investors.

Rosa has ambitious plans for the role of the GIP as the community sets out to make Finland more internationally connected and a world-class destination for foreign direct investment.

We’ve already got some exciting projects in the pipeline ready to be released soon. Don’t hesitate to contact her to find out more!


Geetanjali Sharma has been appointed to run the Member Experience Management at Amcham Finland. She is developing the Active Season – the rolling ten-month calendar starting in September and ending in July – which includes all the layers of the Amcham programming, over 100 annual events and gatherings in several countries, initiatives and member touchpoints.

Hailing from India, Geetanjali’s career started with an Indian information-technology company. The past eleven years, she has been employed by Nokia and Microsoft where she specialized in product launches and commercialization of services.

Looking forward to positively contributing to the team, Geetanjali’s main aim is to help members have meaningful engagement with the community every step of the way.

“I love the diversity, the international outlook and member-centricity of Amcham and the energy that everyone brings to work every day,” she says.

Geetanjali, “Geets”, or “G”, is a yoga fanatic and, if you’re lucky, you may catch her dancing Bollywood in Helsinki.


Nina Hyvärinen has taken on the role of Head of Advocacy at a moment when the demand for a dialogue on internationalization and globalization is at an all-time high. The Amcham membership is keen to join forces to engage the policy-makers and political decision makers to get the market moving and to tackle structural reforms.

Nina has worked in the cabinet of Olli Rehn, at the time Vice President of the European Commission, as well as in various government ministries including the Finnish Prime Minister’s Office.

Excited to be working for Amcham, Nina aims to support international companies investing in Finland as well as focusing on attracting and retaining talent. She wants to get to the bottom of the issues that matter to the Amcham members, and then “get stuff done.”

As a midfielder on her soccer team Nina is ready to move fast when the opportunity presents itself, and to run to defend our members when needed.