Hanken & SSE provides world-class executive education and has made diversity top of their agenda. Amcham has proved to be a fitting platform to help them do both!

There are a number of values the members of the Amcham community share. After all, that’s what makes a community a community.

Among them, there’s one thing Amcham Member of the Year 2016 Hanken & SSE excels at: working towards a more connected and diverse Finland.

Half of Hanken & SSE’s Executive Education programs take place outside of Finland, and most of them are carried out in English. The company sees itself as a messenger of Nordic ideals, which it wants to share with the world.

“Our job is to prompt our clients to expand their horizons mentally and intellectually. When they do, we land original ideas and new ways to bring innovation to Finland,” elaborates Business Director Johanna Korpia.

Since joining Amcham, Hanken & SSE has used a number of programs to engage the public. One of them is the Business Lead program.

The Business Lead program helps integrate highly-educated asylum seekers in Finland through a number of modules, most of which are done online or outside of the classroom.

Like at Amcham, for example!

Maa Afua is one of Amcham’s newest additions. Originally from Ghana and with a degree in psychology and sociology, she brings another valuable layer of diversity to the team. (Have we mentioned how diverse we are?)

“In the short time I’ve been with Hanken & SSE, I can already say it’s the best education I’ve received. It’s really geared towards individuals with high aspirations” says Maa Afua.

Hanken & SSE caters to their clients’ individual needs rather than providing ready-made modules.

“We truly tailor almost everything we do. We have a very limited number of off-the-shelf products. We don’t just provide programs – we provide comprehensive solutions.”

But why Amcham?

“Of course, Amcham! Our agendas are quite similar: opening up, reaching out, building relationships, trailblazing and breaking down barriers. Facilitating business and showcasing Finland,” says C.E.O. Sari Salojärvi.

“Amcham is the most international and active business hub in Finland. At Amcham, you build relationships with people who are going places and getting things done.”

The Amchampion Awards are an annual event in which the Amcham community recognizes those members that have really gone above and beyond – those Amchampions who have taken it upon themselves to go the extra mile in improving the business environment and facilitating Amcham’s mission.

Hanken & SSE Executive Education delivers executive learning programs globally through its extensive SSE network in the Nordic and Baltic region. Read more about Hanken & SSE here.