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As the voice of international business, Amcham is committed to building a competitive business environment in Finland and creating sustainable transatlantic business ties through diverse networks, superior quality programs and cross-industry advocacy.

Amcham is effective representative of and network for foreign affiliates and transatlantic business in Finland; and a trusted discussion partner for the public sector, facilitating a sustainably prosperous Finland and Finnish commercial success in the U.S.

Policy Issues


Although foreign-owned firms represent only 1% of all companies in Finland, they have a crucial impact on the Finnish economy, creating jobs and spurring economic growth. They account for 23% of the total turnover and employ 16% of the private sector workforce. Additionally, these firms contribute 27% of R&D expenditures and pay €1.68 billion in corporate taxes.


Finland's digital competitiveness is increasingly fragile. Despite being a leader in digital innovation, the country faces challenges such as a widening digital skills gap and slower adoption of advanced digital technologies by small and medium-sized enterprises.


The health and social care sector in Finland faces significant funding and quality of care challenges. The current funding model fails to adequately reward the welfare regions for innovation or engaging in public-private partnerships, so the potential for improving efficiency and patient outcomes through innovation and collaboration remains unrealized.


Finland is confronting an immediate and severe shortage of skilled workers. Employers across various sectors are finding it increasingly difficult to fill critical roles. Despite the acute need for international talent, existing policies obstruct recruiting and retaining foreign professionals essential for the country's economic vitality.


Kansainväliset yhtiöt ja ulkomaiset suorat investoinnit luovat työpaikkoja ja tuovat pitkäaikaisia hyötyjä suomalaiselle taloudelle.


60% maailmanlaajuisesta BKT:stä on digitaalista vuoden 2021 loppuun mennessä. Suomen digitaalinen kilpailukykyisyys on tähän nähden hauras, mutta sillä on yhä mahdollisuus kehittyä digitalisaation edelläkävijäksi. Valtiolta tämä vaatii proaktiivista johtamista sekä säännöllistä yhteistyötä eri sidosryhmien ja alan asiantuntijoiden kanssa.


Suomi voi vetää puoleensa ulkomaisia investointeja ja edistää omaa asemaansa innovaation keskuksena varmistamalla osaamisen saatavuuden. Saavuttaakseen tämän, Suomen tulee selkeyttää ulkomaisen työvoiman lupakäytäntöjä, luoda työmarkkinoille lisää joustavuutta ja investoida paikalliseen täydennyskoulutukseen.

Our Policy Impact

Working Groups

Our working groups convene industry experts around key themes for international business in Finland.

These discussions are a vital part of developing Amcham’s policy advocacy.  

Our Insights

We regularly partner with research organizations to uncover the latest insights. Together with expert input from our members, these form the basis of our policy recommendations.

Our Recommendations & Whitepapers

Toisiolaki: Streamlining Secondary Uses of Health Data

Strategic Talent Recommendation

Primer: Inflation Reduction Act 2022

Boosting Investment Through Swift Environmental Permit

Political Crash Course

Curated by our policy officer, the political crash course provides C-level executives with the essential information they need to navigate the Finnish political system and business environment.  

For more information contact:

Markus Myllyniemi

Policy Coordinator

+358 50 472 4828