Presidential Election 2020 Newsflash
It’s a race to the finish.
What is happening?
The result of an election unlike any other is still unclear. Although both parties had been looking to avoid repeating the mistakes of 2000’s contested outcome, a clear win today is improbable. Results will come in slowly due to vote counting complications caused by Covid-19, and we will know more in the coming days. Major news outlets will continue to make projections based on their own analyses, yet these do not reflect absolute and official results at this time. We’ll follow the situation closely between now and when the electoral college convenes on December 14th. Yesterday, polls showed an increasing lead for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, yet today shows President Trump closing a predicted gap at an accelerated rate. Both domestic and international interest is at a record high, as is voter turnout. The margins matter for both parties. With no landslide in sight, here’s what we know now:
What happens next? The Supreme Court may be forced to weigh in if the election result is contested by either candidate. This happened during the 2000 election between Bush and Gore. If it comes to that, we may not have a clear, official winner for weeks or months.
What happens if the election result is extremely close?
If the candidates tie with 269-269 electoral votes (270 needed to win), then the House of Representatives will choose the next president, and the Senate will choose the vice president. Current results project Democrats to retain control over the House, but Republicans have flipped six seats and double-digit votes are still to come in. In the last forty years, there have only been two elections that we called after 9 AM Finnish time on November 4; Now there will be a third. Amcham will be back with more updates for our member community. Stay tuned.
U.S. Ambassador Greetings on Election Day
U.S. Ambassador to Finland Robert Pence offers his remarks on Election Day. Click the picture or this link to watch the video!
Today: Join our election results coverage online at 3 PM (EET)
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