Women in Business – Top Ten Tips
What is the status of women in business in Finland and globally? As a woman, what challenges do you face in the workplace? And what are your success stories that we can learn from?
What is the status of women in business in Finland and globally? As a woman, what challenges do you face in the workplace? And what are your success stories that we can learn from?
As of this year, only 4.6% of S&P 500 companies had female CEOs. That’s 45.4% of female leadership we’re missing out on.
Today, you’d be hard-pressed to find a study that does not support diversity in any kind of team environment.
Amcham’s most recent Women’s Network on Life-Changing Moments in Leadership featured two distinguished individuals with impressive backgrounds as leaders.
In business, your network is your superpower. Joining and contributing in women’s networks is one way to make you an instant insider, in whatever it is you want to do.
As the race to the parties’ national conventions in the United States intensifies, the election is everywhere. It’s entertaining, for sure. But is there also a professional reason a business person in Europe should take time to understand an election happening 5,000 miles away?
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