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Skills shortages around the world show no signs of abating, as employers continue to struggle to find the talent they need. But Finland may just have an upper hand.

Technically skilled engineers are hot in demand, particularly in Europe and Asia, according to a global snapshot of skills shortages by ManpowerGroup.

The global HR company, and Amcham member, surveys more than 40,000 hiring managers in 42 countries across 10 industry sectors each year.

The 2015 findings show that close to 40 percent of employers are having difficulties filling jobs. While more than half say talent shortages, particularly for high-skilled engineers, are seriously impacting their business.

This group is the second highest in demand, after skilled trades workers, the 2015 Talent Shortage Survey shows.

Talent that Finland has, ManpowerGroup Managing Director Iikka Lindroos, says.

“We have job seekers with engineering skills, including in the booming area of the internet-of-things,” he told Amcham.

“We have moved into the Human Age era. Companies are competing in creativity, skills, and brain power.”

Where Finland is falling short, however, is international marketing and sales professionals – which ranked third in the list of in-demand skills.

“We have a situation where we have great innovations but no-one to take and sell that to international markets.”

This is where Amcham enters the equation. Programs such as LaunchpadUSA are already helping growth companies market their products to success.

Want to know more about this flagship program, or how your company can take an advantage of Finland’s talent pool?



Matthew Wood

Policy Director

+358 45 201 1039