It’s your calendar in Global Business Smarts for the next ten months. But the Active Season is also a navigation tool that will help us know what you need – and you to know where to go next.

We’ve always been very clear about our service promise to the members. The programming and communications will always fit in with your work flow. The Amcham services are never a drag on your time; they are an extra resource for you. We will always finish on time. And so on.

Efficient, fun, relevant.

In the Active Season concept, we bring it all together.

With the Active Season calendar, you will see the main themes and get-togethers all through to the summer. You’ll be able to plan months and months ahead.

You can also better select the content that best supports your company’s strategy and your professional goals:

You will see the quarterly C-level discussions for the entire membership that deal with being globally savvy and connected (“How to Manage a Global Merger” on September 16 and “How to Build a Global Brand” on February 23, for example).

  • You will see how you can participate in what’s going on in Helsinki, New York and Stockholm, without actually being there in person.
  • You will see when you can build relationships with your peers (Think “Defence Industry Dialogue” for defence companies and “Global Investors’ Program” for affiliate managers, for example).
  • You will see where the Nordic CEOs meet, where the country managers compare notes, where rising stars hang out, where female executives spar each other, how to connect with other expatriate leaders, and so on.

You get the hang of it?

Add in the shared services (building your brand through our communications, tackling your regulatory issues through our policy and advocacy work, hosting customer events at our premises) and you will be able to take your business to great lengths by just positioning yourself for the amazing things happening during the Active Season 2016 – 17.

The one and only goal of the Active Season calendar and navigating tool is to support member companies in growing their business by leveraging a powerful and dynamic community.

I’ll be happy to walk you through it any time. Do provide feedback – we want to know how to keep improving and setting you up for success!

Kristiina Helenius, C.E.O.