In-person Event:

Trust in the Era of AI

May 28, 8:30 – 10:00 AM

Hill & Knowlton Offices

Event Details

Trust is one of our most critical resources. The high-level of trust in Finland’s government, media and social structure is one of the most unique and important elements of society in Finland. It is something that sets Finnish politics, companies, and leadership styles apart from others around the world.

In the era of AI, trust can be quickly generated and even faster broken, wildly changing the landscape for business. AI can be used to create chaos or harmony. How can societies, companies, and leaders build and maintain trust in this new time? And what is a company’s responsibility for making sure AI’s impact on the world is for the overall good?

Join us for this timely breakfast event at Hill & Knowlton, where Director and Head of Technology Michael Jääskeläinen, will summarize the findings of Hill & Knowlton’s new survey on the topic of Trust in the Era of AI, including results from a Nordic omnibus survey supplemented by interviews with Finnish business leaders and political decision makers. The program will continue with an AI expert from WPP Plc setting the stage for our panel of industry leaders. Panelists including Jaakko Lempinen, Head of Customer Experience at Yle and Marja Laitinen, Senior Director, AI Governance and Partnerships at Microsoft EMEA will discuss the effects of AI and the responsibility of companies and leaders in an AI era.

This Chatham House Rules event is by invite only and seats are limited. Please email to request an invite.

Join for the first-look at the new results, and come ready with your questions. We look forward to seeing you for this insightful discussion. 

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For more information contact:

Katie Girow

Deputy Director

+358 45 162 8449