
28 Sep 2020


5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Amcham Finland Live with Harvard Business Review Press: The Leader’s Guide to Cybersecurity

As companies, governments, and organizations have become ever more dependent on digital systems for all aspects of business and operations, they have spent billions of dollars on cybersecurity. However, the financial consequences of cyber breaches have increased, seemingly in lockstep, with this increase in investment. For cybersecurity expert Thomas Parenty and management expert Jack Domet, co-founders of Archefact Group, the reason for this confounding situation is that the central focus of cybersecurity has been on technology—the vulnerabilities of computers and infrastructure—and not on the business risks to a company’s operations and strategic direction. No company has the resources to fix every cybersecurity problem and not all fixes are equally important so, they wrote A LEADER’S GUIDE TO CYBERSECURITY to show executives a more effective way to combat these issues.