Amcham Finland Live with Harvard Business Review Press: We The Possibility
Can we solve big public problems anymore? Yes, we can. The huge challenges we face are daunting indeed. At the same time, we’ve come to accept the sad notion that government can’t do new things or solve tough problems—it’s too big, too slow, and mired in bureaucracy. Not so, says former public official, now Harvard Business School professor, Mitchell Weiss. The truth is, entrepreneurial spirit and savvy in government are growing, transforming the public sector’s response to big problems at all levels. The key, Weiss argues, is a shift from a mindset of Probability Government—overly focused on safe solutions and mimicking so-called best practices—to Possibility Government. This means public leadership and management that’s willing to boldly imagine new possibilities and to experiment. Weiss shares the three basic tenets of this new way of governing: Government that can imagine; Government that can try new things; Government that can scale.